Pictures SAY a ThouSand Words and ViDeO’S ShOW a Million ExPreSsIonS - " ConSeQuEnTly PleAsE Do uSe yOuR EstaBliSheD Sense To UndeRstaND alL the PiCtUreS and VidEo’s FraMeD oN tHiS bLoG " ........
piCtuReS Say ThouSanD WoRds ................ |
Earlier I shared that Dhoni is a LUCKY CHAP.. however when I thought of the guy who dons a Hairstyle which looks like as if he has used a LARGE PACK of MAGGI NOODLES {{ sreesanth }} on his head, I feel like it wasn’t DHONI who was A LUCKY MASCOT but it was the BRAND AMBASSDOR OF MAGGI NOODLES Mr. sreesanth who was allowed to play the Final Match of the world cup even though his every single delivery was Forcefully and Tactfully motivated and driven towards the Boundaries but the day he was bought in; Team India won the match and in turn we got our second world cup … I MEAN WE GOT OUR SECOND WORLD CUP ……. ………. Hmmm ……. OOP’s …. Hope the Maggi guys aren’t reading this or else they are GOING To ask sreesanth
MaGGi KhAne Ki Cheez hoti Hai ......koi samjhaye |
either to GO BALD like our own MAHI ( MS DHONI )
Nice ThinG afTer a ViCtoRy ...BUt WhaT abouT the One AbOVE |
or else THEY would be FORCED TO STOP the MANUFACTURING of there Best Product MAGGI..It’s not about creating an arena to Pin point Dhoni and declare him bad or Valuing and uttering that the rest of the Squad is an exception and they contribute a lot to Cricket, but then excessively over rating and creating a gigantic hype; which is not even close to the True Skills and Character of a individual is something which sucks ….. Many a times I have read out that Dhoni is an overvalued and hyped player, therefore This POST WIll TalK AbouT XcESSivElY OveR-VaLuED, OveR-RaTeD and HyPeD – M.S.Dhoni
TrusT Me GuY'S or elsE ReaD FurTher ... |
I am afraid but if you guys give a deep attention then without any DOUBT its TRUE…Because it has been seen that his performance during the initial stage of his Cricket Career was pretty Good {{ NOT OUTSTANDING }}, but then he lacked consistency due to which his Performance degraded moreover a Performer can only be called an excellent Player if he is Consistent and his skills make him trustworthy..Further more this was one of the important reason that 11 Months earlier BCCI and the Management decided to Bring in Sehwag as the Indian Captain by REPLACING DHONI For CONFIRMATION - -
Wht happened MacHA |
…Never the less he has got a good destiny moreover when nobody performs he is the only one who results into a LUCKY MASCOT….. and not a TRUSTED Performer like Sachin/Yuvraj/Virat/Kaif ……… so if you want to understand the definition of “LUCKY” – then one should TRY M.S. Dhoni ……………
while researching on the topic I came through some attention-grabbing and interesting YOU TUBE videos…. Do check the Links as some of them would show as how a Team Leader Responds During an Interaction with MEDIA and answering questions on Sehwag Fitness - –
ChecK the Video and C what The Expressions Say |
COOL dhoni getting ANGRY on MEDIA individuals …During exploration of M.S. Dhoni I came to know that he is a bit selfish..... As numerous of his personal and professional Stints forced many number of fans to Label him – Selfish – apart from it let me share that a former cricketer who was called THE WALL – “Rahul Dravid” was dropped by Dhoni and certainly it was his idea to remove the Senior Player coz his mind set follows a basic rule that “Youngsters Need’s to be Given a Chance” …. I do agree that Youngsters should be given the Paddle to hit on but then selecting and removing a player should not be based on the only motto which dhoni is imparting ….. For the same do check this Video ------ as a result I have uploaded a link and it’s a must watch and TOUCHING -
It's TimE MaCHa --- |
Every cricket fan knows that there is a cold war going on between Sehwag and Dhoni plus there are many testimonies which can be viewed online which proves that certainly there was a rift with the Indian Team and its members especially Sehwag …. Accordingly I have pasted a link which is - -
DO Always Check his Expression-Check the VideO |
VirU CheCk Out my Bi-CePs .... |
even the Indian team management had given him a warning for his consistent non Per-formance moreover he decisions are hardly fruitful or should I say barely convert into a positive outcome and that was the only reason as why the BCCI had to call in the Media; have a look at the video - My motive here in is not to show Dhoni in a BAD TASTE but just to share that we Indians Blindly put our faith on a name without even understanding the Truth beneath it……. Furthermore its not very difficult to understand that Dhoni is excessively Over rated and Hyped ……… Our elders and the youngsters from the present world know what and who LEGEND’S are. Dhoni fans migt be calling me a cynic but then I am sorry I cant stop sharing that the Present Indian Captain cannot be called a Legend or a Hero;perhaps there would be some of his Die – Hard fans who would love to thrash and whip me but then Friends you need to check the further Links out if you consider DHONI as a LEGEND which comprises Sachin, Saurav, Ganguly, Rahul Dravid, Anil Kumble
WHO all R they - Legends / HEros |
f the Die-Hard DHONI fan’s still feel that DHONI deserves to be called a LEGEND/ HERO/ CELEBRITY then Check this out - – The LeGeNDaRY InDiaN CricKet WarRIor’S
WaRRioRS ....... |
if the above Picture isnt satisfying your Urges then check the Pics Below.....
LeGend'S - |
For some of the people these arae old memories, Do ask any one of them and see the JOY at there FACE .... :) |
Oye!! Handle WiTH EmoTions..... have a LOOK this was InDIa'S PreciOuS FirST WoRLD CUP |
He was going for a Drive but then i Bowled him and we WON ....:) |
These legendary heroes gave in there perseverance, loyalty to the game and made India a bright star. It took us 28 years for the 2nd CUP, we people can never understand as what there emotions were for these whole 28 years. Rare pictures and photographs will help detect as what the players were and how they transformed the game. They had admiration, respect for the seniors which divulged them as esteemed players. Even though 300 Spartans were very less in number but they were the ultimate barriers and strength of the coming generation and similarly these cricket Spartans who were a part of a cricket team from an underdeveloped nation but they never lost hope and there wisdom. In terms of being a world champion they made the whole country proud and probably it would have been one of the paramount happiness which they gifted this country. DO have a look a these rare Pictures.......
LalA ji... though my Dad has some cool moments... |
COOOOL ... |
WAAH KYA BAAT........... |
a Spartan... |
Vijay MerChant |
Yehi hai Right Choice baby ,,,,, |
ViJay The Bowler |
Vinoo Mankad |
maybe now Friends you should start looking deep inside your heart and You should realize that we cannot call Dhoni a Legend or a HERO but if DHONI himself states that he needs to be a HERO and also the Die-Hard fans still feel that he should be called a HERO then make sure that you Guide him properly which will further help him to surpass the LEGENDARY CRICKET WARRIORS………. Guys please do understand and face the NUDE TRUTH behind and beneath your NAKED FAITH ……….. Last but not the least the next link would surely make many of you realize and understand as what the BLOG is SHOUTING - – which plainly and literally says Baap BAAP hota Hai aur Beta BETA hota Hai …..………….
oop's AkhtAR SahaB |
Though the victim in here is Shoaib Akhtar but then just merged this video to make a Spoof – here is a bit home work SO try – Replacing Shoiab Akhtar with Dhoni and also make an attempt to imagine Indian Legendary Cricketers by Replacing Sachin {{one by one DO TRY to replace Sachin with Sehwag, Dravid, Ganguly and the Legendary Cricket Warriors}} ………
Dam Maro Dum ............... |
Although reading and discussing the subject; Guys do not come to a conclusion that I hate DHONI …. Its only that during the final moments of the world cup the captain of the Indian team did something CHEAP which he shouldn’t have done…..
DhoNI Shouldnt havee SHowErED SuCH POT-SHOTS |
Anyways but with my previous post I would like to add on that during Post march presentations Dhoni showered CHEAP Pot-shots saying that “A couple of decisions taken by him in today’s summit showdown against Sri Lanka could have been criticised had his side not won the World Cup” …………. “A few decisions I have taken today, including why I brought in S Sreesanth instead of Ravichandran Ashwin and why I promoted myself in the batting order ahead of Yuvraj who has been in great form. It could have been that the decisions cost the match,” Now let me ask the Die hard fans of DHONI that during such an extravaganza moment how can you go on uttering such terminology …….. furthermore he said that “I always wanted to give chance to younger players by sending them up the order. Today, I thought I would take the responsibility myself. It was more like proving myself and not to others,” ………. In addition to the above when Mr.Shashtri asked if the World Cup triumph was in a way telling the critics to shut up, our COOL, CALm and COMPOSED Captain shared that , “In India it would be very rude to say like that.”….. Come on dhoni you should have enjoyed and thanked the Cricket Fans instead of vomiting this anxiety and agony …………. WHAT if this world cup was played in a Country which was away from India would Dhoni have said “SHUT UP” I guess probably NOT ……… but then guys haven’t you understood that Diplomatically Dhoni has held and firmly said “SHUT UP” …………. Believe it or not but then you cannot ignore the NAKED TRUTH BENEATH YOUR NUDE FAITH !!!………
NuDE TrUth BeNeaTh BliNd FaITh ,,,, |
Eventhough Dhoni made in his post presentation Speech it was something which my words cant describe but ofcourse the picture can help you understand as what exactly he wanted to utter.....
LOOK WHAT I SAID and WHAT mY Eyes Read |
if still you haven’t got then let me simplf it ………… now for that I need to give a lame Example……. Hmmmm …. I hope this should help and make you understand – Now assume that you’re going to marry your long term Girlfriend and that too after facing a lot of criticism, rejection and refusal but then at the end you succeeded and persuaded your parents........
 | GetTing Married |
During the initial stage you handled each and every criticism in a courageous way and After the day of your marriage if I POP you UP with A QUESTION as HOW DO YOU FEEL? … then probably you wont impress me by answering that you had to face a lot of criticism, brickbats, disapproval, insult bla bla ………… and you know why coz at the very important moment which is a turning point of your life you will present me a simple answer – which would be that “It was worth fighting and waiting for” or rather similar to it ….. Now with an anxiety and eagerness if you give me a reply and explain me the criticism and rejections then probably you are not enjoying the blissful moment and the only person who CANNOT ENJOY AND LIVE IN THE MOMENT is the one who is SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED, NARCISSISTIC, EGOISTIC and in turn being JEALOUS and a SELF-SEEKER… Either Love the Subject or Hate but with no doubt I can share that you cannot ignore it…… VERY DEEP inside your heart you all very well know that the SUBJECT MATTER is TRUE but probably many of you GUYS just cannot face the NAKED TRUTH …. And are more than glad to experience that we have WON THE CUP.. Needless to say but I too feel the same and that’s the only reason I am going through the agony of the CHEAP PreSeNtaTiOn Of oUr cOoL aNd CoMpoSeD Captain MaHi …. I mEaN M.S. dHoNi..... HopE DHONI IS ENJOYING THE MOMENT COZ SOMETIMES ................................
yuP Bro .. Kabhi Kabhi DHoni BH... it does happen sometimes ... |
Therefore after the 83world CUP which was iNdiA'S first cricket world cup ...............
This Was Gr8 |
and Now we INDIA won iT'S SECOND WORLD CUP - 2011
We all have seen different era of cricket generation's who have bloomed to give an impact on the future Talent and the remembering Glorious and celebrated past. Every generation had various creations of players which helped them reach great heights. There are legacies which are to be inherited and which can help us for our future endeavors. After all odds we all have to believe and understand that this has been a truly fascinating journey so far, rich in tapestry and talent. But then cricket has help us know where we can reach and its al evident from record books.........
GooD....BaD and the JUnGlEE.... i mean UGLY ... |
For many cricket binds them together and there is nothing more to it in addition to it we have to realize that there are going to be GOOD, BAD and various other UGLY frames… but then there is lot to play and and lot more to understand ……….. so LOVE LIFE.... BE HAPPY and KEEP ROCKING TILL MY NEXT NUDE TRUTH WHICH WOULD BE BENEATH YOUR BLIND FAITH .. : )
LOve LIFE .... Be HAppY......... KeEp RoCking |
EasY - You Tube Video Links for the POST -
:) NuDE TRUTH ................