Wednesday, 25 May 2011

NaKeD TrutH BeNEatH BLiNd FaiTH oF wOrK eThiC's !!

                             Take my hand and I will follow you, Follow me where I go what I do and who I know all the way...jOhN DeNveR

hErE i aM, THiS iS Me...
Don’t you think there is something which has changed in our society? Don’t you feel that there is something which we overlook or probably we have forgotten? For those who haven’t understood let me share that I am talking about Ethics. Be it our Personal life or even our professional we tend to overlook our values which in turn takes us on the path of disagreements, conflicts plus inconsistency. 
dO yOu HaVe iT?
Ethics akin to standards are the basic foundation of a human being. Some of you in your daily lives are occupied with Personal and professional circumstances or conditions where in you have to take decisions which are based on your inherited moral values and Ethics while there would be some who will have to deal with these situations using morality from society, Religious as well as experiences which they had gathered during there life time. There aren’t any if’s and but’s when we talk about ethics or moral values. By this I mean that the Principles or values which are established within you by your Parents, Society, religion as well as various other diverse factors are present inside you or either you don’t hold these ingredients. In short either you have moral values and principles or you don’t.
EithEr YoUr TruE To Ur OwN SelF or YoUr NoT ...
Many of us will either be truthful or we wont, in addition to the above either you are sincere or you are not. Ethics or the so called moral values as well as principles are aspects which help and outlines in depicting and understanding as how people will take decisive actions on a similar situation.
What Do YoU ThInK ?
Therefore these Values act as a foundation for a society and People amalgamation. Genuineness, Honesty, Integrity, Sincerity, Honor, Respect, openness and a variety of similar elements helps one to think as well as execute each day’s responsibility. Today in our daily chores whatever we do or execute is influenced by a thought process; a process which is based on influence, Experiences, Examples, social and Religious Obligations, our Family and loved ones, Teachers, Friends/Peers. Personal values or ethics is a part and segment of philosophical studies; it shows as how an individual reacts to a situation. Being human it’s in our nature that we have to take and act upon the foundation of morality and principles as explained above. 
LoCaTe ThE DiFFeRenCe's?
At present many individuals or philosophers feel that personal ethics are different from Business ethics. But if we look deeply into the subject then we can clearly find evidence that professional decisions plus work activities are too based on one’s personal values and experience. There could be a difference in the way one handles a situation but then our decision which we take in our Personal as well as Professional life’s have one critical thing in common and it can also be taken as an evidence to eradicate the differences in both ideologies. The common and critical factor is the affect; Yes! The decisions which we take during our professional and personal life affects all areas of life and that includes family, loved ones, co-workers, Professional contacts, Relationships. If we reflect morality and integrity in both categorizes of life then I am sure that our influence as a Person on others will be great.
ProFessiOnaL aNd PeRsoNal LiFe EtHic'S
At the moment it seems as I am getting drifted from the original topic but then these are common factors which supports a person in his Professional life. That being said I will surely explain and pen down ethics s well as its importance in our Personal lives; henceforth let me share some valuable information on The Naked Truth beneath Blind Faith of Company Ethics.
ThE UgLy TrUtH...
I hope you might have understood and recalled from the above said as well as from your own experiences as how an individual can execute a responsibility. Every decision of yours is supported on the base and exclusive belief of Ethics. Consequently these personal codes of conduct are also used during your Professional career path. Moreover one cannot ignore the fact that today organizations want there employees to maintain a respect and dignity in one's own society. Now to do that they want there employee to follow ethical norms of society, therefore one wont deny that Professional ethics are too dependent on personal ethics.
Don'T YoU ThiNk So?
Give a thought guys and you will tend to understand as what I am trying to share. If you try to understand this journey of Professional ethics then you will understand and come face to face with an effortless truth that these moral values as well as ethics are the necessary factors which makes an individual a leader and helps them to rise in there Career path. These values are similar to the ones which we use in our daily life’s and ask our childrens to use. So Once you start playing with your Professional Ethics then its very much sure that your Personal Life Will be Hampered more/less. Furthermore in near future this impact would only increase. By the way have you guys ever thought as what would be the condition of the coming generations?; Will they be happy and stay sincere? Aren't we forcing them to a Future which is GoinG to HavE No Ethics?
Do YoU HavE an AnsWeR?
In today’s world you will find many individuals who have the basic philosophy plus thought process which they facilitate/encourage that if they aren’t hurting and hampering anyone then they can do whatever they desire. Many of you will disagree to the said statement but then this nude truth wont change. 
aNd iT's a WroNg WaY....
Yes! Thoughts like this in turn enforce a person to indulge in work politics. The complimentary visage of the imaginative, inventive as well as shrewdness plus person’s intelligence is always ambitious and greedy for supremacy, identification, acknowledgment, recognition, power and influence. Humans are more inclined towards there own interests and needs which in turn helps them to decide and understand that there own priorities plus requirements are critical than others.  Now for example if you turn on your idiot box which people call TV; you will try watching a channel which interests you, above all if you had a bad day, your will prefer either to close the TV set or else you will watch something which is not going to make you worse. Being Humans we tend to foresee that our own necessities are more important than others. Henceforth you will tend to use this process or principle in your professional environment too.
hmmm.. Hard to Decide..
In this competitive world every professional individual is running a sprint marathon. People who are working in a professional organization are executing there professional responsibilities with a dream to get more happiness and money. With a dream in mind and a mission to succeed in life will make you struggle for all the above mentioned elements. I am not saying that you need to stop dreaming or YOU don’t have the right to stay happy. What I simply mean is that when you struggle as well as explore a new way to bring in additional happiness to your family and self MANY of you will tend to indulge in practices or mind games which will automatically arise from the inquisitive mind.
KeEp GoInG......
The consistent effort in performing or gaining authority will make you struggle and further it enforces to fight for the dream milestones. This constant struggle for power and identification sometimes impose You and your curious minds to use practices which probably reaches a high point one day and then some of your professional peers will indict you of playing Politics; further more during the course towards accomplishments, many of you tend to anticipate as what you are into and many get blamed for what they never wanted to do; but then its not about what they foresee or what you used to think during the start of the career. It’s about the behavior change which indulges and forces you into Work Politics. 
EthiC's... MoraL's...ValUe's
Before I go any further let me be straight forward that No organization is and will be completely free from the politics. Now different individuals might have there own definitions for Office politics; however what I feel is that office politics or work diplomacy refers to the use and manipulation of situations, power and people to secure their position, gain from the situation, let others down or even increase their own power, image and status within the organization.
MaNipulaTion, PromoTion, JealousY...
If I am talking about politics then let me illuminate that many of us will comprehend to the truth that Politics can either be organized or implemented by a Single Person or it can be executed by a small Group/Team. Of course, being into the thoughts of demoting others or seeking a self promotion or probably both, contradicting ideologies, back biting, **s licking, Jealousy, wicked spirit bosses, 
ThE abOve SaiD SpeciEs cAn Be FounD in EvErY OrgaNizaTion..... 
Mystery viewpoint and actions of colleagues and many more – politics can be observed at every Nook and corner of each Organization. In fact today the word Politics can be seen at every sphere and place of Human atmosphere. Henceforth one must agree that No organization will ever be free from Politics.
believe iT or NoT buT iT haPpEns!!
There may be rigid or stringent rules of ETHICS AND code of conducts in diverse organization however in many organizations they are hardly practiced and for those who follow one can still find people either indulging into or breaking the so called Ethics…. Any Organization which proclaims that they have strict Ethics plus none of there employees get into office politics; is NEVER TRUE however many CEO, CFO, Managing Directors, Stake Holders would have the backbone to speak out that small bit and bytes of office Politics is unavoidable and can still be seen. So what does that mean?... 
One CaN HarDly DenY ....
does it clearly says that they don’t have employees who entertain such activities or it means that Yes! Double ideologies or Double standards, self endorsement, self-encouragement, self promotion, satisfying the quest of ones own ego cannot be ignored irrespective of the organization ethical values. Yes. Some might do it for fear or some will make up to take a short cut to there long professional career. Today the world of professional is lost into a thought that a higher position in an organization will bring in more money; which in turn will bring in more happiness, however in this pursuit these human beings have corrupted there mind sets. 
tHerE is SureLy a DiscOnnEct BetWeeN You aNd YouR iNnEr SeLf...
Many of you will disagree and state that one has to got through the politics of the organization irrespective of the ethical process; but then guys who is asking you to be a part of such initiatives; who is forcing you to change your own personal ethics? People understand this that neither your are not Kids nor your minds are under construction. So be what you are, speak what you feel...
WakE Up Guy's !!
I wont buy if you guys say that one automatically/unintentionally gets trapped; in addition to the above even if you guys share that its very hard to evade such practices then let me tell you friends, this post should clear your doubts. If you have your Personal ethics moving in an accurate direction and if you are honest to your own self then NO SINGLE person on this earth will have the GUTS to misguide you. Everything starts with an undersized thought or with a dream to fulfill a small goal which is rather irrelevant at that particular time. Furthermore people feel that no one should loose an opportunity which they receive during there work life; but then guys do you want to seize an opportunity by compromising your own personal ethics or moral values. If your answer is yes! Then I am very much sure that for an opportunity which helps you in getting a higher position or a professional incentive will surely change you as a Human being and will distress your personal life as well! at this instant if you ask how? then you need to Read on further…
ReaD On ...
You captured an occasion as well as you felt that it has given you a good career boost; now in near future you will tend to find such events and if they don’t occur your mind will automatically start asking you questions. You will try finding a small clue which might give you a professional boost; you will try persuading others to fulfill your own imaginative dreams. At this time these small occasions will make you selfish and self centered. This in turn will make you self-seeking and egoistic. So where ever you see work politics you will find people with such attributes; although these aspects might have given them good professional incentives in terms of money, position, Transfer etc. however all the above said ingredients will not only make YOU Insensitive in YOUR professional life but it will also make YOU narcissistic or in short selfish in your personal life.
WhAt All We NeeD?
The harsh and unsympathetic central idea of this post is that Yes! We do have a problem. We Just Cant see ethics Flying out in the open air of our Offices; 
HeY! iTs HiGh TimE..
Guys Understand that we all have a choice; we do have options and ways to walk on and change things. Neither i want to suggest that you should stop using Code of Conducts and Ethical policies in Organizations, but then we need to find better ways, we need to get a solution. in short always try finding options and i am sure one will always get..

TalK to YouR OwN SeLF...YoU will AlwayS FinD an AnSweR...

Over here I am neither sharing that I am interested in such politics nor I am a victim of these mind games, further more its not about the ones who have made these standards a Tradition or its not about When they have chosen these characteristics but then this post is about the NUDE TRUTH which is BENEATH the WORK CULTURE. Why one has to go through his/her moral renovation? Is this change required? Can work politics be good? 

CaN WoRk PoliTiC's Be GooD?

Why one has to alter his Human conduct? What should one do in such a situation? Probably the answer lies beneath a sound Logic which is “Confidence” and others factors which you will read in My NEXT POST….. TiLL Then Do a Self Assessment you will find in ManY Answer's
AnD pRoBaBLy  ManY QuesTioN's!!

and KeeP SmiLinG !!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

NaKeD TrutH BeNEatH BLiNd FaiTH oF ViCtoRY !!

En route To Armageddon... 
One CaN NoT IgnOrE ....
Yes! Its true “Project Osama” has given a tangible base to initiate the process of a Conflict which would be a bigger tussle/WAR or should I say that we are on our way to ARMAGEDDON. I will share some naked truth which might look silly to some but then at present we neither have access to the evidence nor has US administration disclosed concrete proofs for the same. Irrespective of Osama’s Death/Capture I can certainly share that this unresolved Osama tale has increased the risk of fear, violence and terrorism among the citizens of America. Believe it or not but then these are all side effects of SUPERMACY. It’s a naked truth which many will disagree as well as pretend to disagree however if you guys look deep inside your heart then majority of you can easily find a reason to believe and grasp. However without doubt Obama or White House is surely going to announce that there is nothing to worry; further more they will add on that America being a super power its armed with latest Weapons hence there is no need to Panic...

BE SaFE....
Folk’s try to realize that this joy won’t continue for days. If Osama is dead then America needs to be more active in terms of Security measures. It’s very much easy to realize as one will effortlessly distinguish between the motive/reason behind previous Terrorist attacks and viable Future Attack(s) on America. Perhaps it seems as if this episode is going to aggravate the emotions of Osama Group members which will have adverse ramification. Now I am saying this on a Nude Fact that a tornado of revenge can make Osama’s disciple attack America in the coming months or maybe weeks and even the Diplomats cannot ignore this actuality.

at PrEsEnT FeaR oF aTTacK iS HiGh........
Above all Irrespective of Bin Laden’s death the Citizens of America will pretend that they are courageous enough to handle the side effects of this chapter but then without any doubt I can articulate that majority of my American Friends are terrified and consider that this present situation has amplified there sentiments in terms of adding more fear, dismay and panic in their current life’s.
TheY CaNNoT DeNy....

 If Political Power in US utters that the pictures floating on Internet and TV Channel is authentic and true then people like me who are anxious; would like to understand by posing a question….. that if CIA people and White House are firm on there stand then they should come up with full length pictures of Osama’s Dead Body as till now they have only released the CLOSE UP shot {{only Osama’s Face}}; irrespective and instead of the Handlers answering that due to the DISTURBING NATURE of these Picture they haven’t released; DO READ THE LATEST UPDATE which is Available on ObaMa WonT ReLeaSE PiCTuRe'S …. As well as read out loud to understand as what Obama is trying to explain when he questioned as “How would American People React if  AL-QAEDA killed one of there Military Leader and put photos of the body on Internet……Further he stated that releasing pictures would lead to anti-American sentiments” …. Come on Mr. Obama….People like me very well understand that Osama is NOT a Trophy but then his Death/Capture is no less than a TROPHY……This whole world witnessed the Fall of WORLD TRADE CENTRE… 
9/11   LOSS
and the Citizens who lost there loved ones as well as those helpless people who watched the heartbreaking moment; have seen something which is lot more DISTURBING and TERRIBLE in a magnitude that even the so called – proclaimed Disturbing picture(s) of OBL will be less painful… try understanding guys.. if we humans can digest our so called awful and gruesome Hollywood/Bollywood Movies which depict dead bodies charred to death in pieces then it wont be hard for us to digest the Real and Full length Images of Osama Bin Laden...Though the only reason which I find true and self explanatory is that Obama Knows “PICTURES IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS” .
If a death has occurred then the Methods of proving the Person’s authenticity should either conclude that it’s Bin Laden or not. There shouldn’t be any double thoughts, 95% and 99.9% test results doesn’t make sense however White House should recheck and once they are 100% confident only then it should be Declared that Yes! It’s Osama. Hence forth the doubts which are surrounding Bin Laden’s Death should be cleared by the US Diplomats plus it would be helpful if the Facts are released. Though sometimes i think that what does one feel when he is on the ToP; in this case..Barack Obama.
ComForT ...LonElY...ToP...
Jokes Apart guys.... however I am not sure but then it seems that this circular justification surrounding the hullabaloo of explanations will force Obama to release these controversial pictures ...nonetheless my humble suggestion to Mr. Obama -  “PROJECT OSAMA” will either make you loose or it will enhance your chances of regaining the Presidential seat. Reading the above lines out even you guys would feel and smell that it’s not only the lack of evidence but also its more about the Hidden Facts behind Gruesome Politics. As Per the whole scenario not only White House but diverse Media Sources are trying to make people believe that Osama is Dead and probably he is dead. Communities who consider that evidence given by the above mentioned entities is Logical then they would surely suppose that Osama is no more; but then these evidence and belief’s are base less. 

is WhiTE HouSe HiddiNG soMeThinG?
Without any confusion I can share that US Administration has come forward by pronouncing that Osama is Dead, but then the only base of proving Osama’s Authenticity is 95% Facial Biometric Test and 99.9% DNA TEST. I just don’t understand, perhaps you guys will also agree that either the proclaimed Dead Body is of Osama or not. Furthermore simplifying; let me share that Osama’s Facial Biometric Test and DNA test should be 100 %. Other than the mentioned 95% or 99.9%; majority of the world population is illogically giving Value to the base less Proof’s; also to many the Osama Chapter is closed. I am not saying that Osama is alive but then the evidence which we have is incomplete and without any bottom. However it was a celebration time for many people in different countries when Osama Bin Laden was proclaimed dead. CIA - America was the one who created AL-Qeada and supported Bin Laden in different ventures. Many of you who arent aware can always click on this LINK CiA - AmEriCA CreAtED AL-QeAdA. 
We CreAte... aNd  We DestrOY
Before i go any further let me be very clear and straight forward that Bin Laden was not the Most Wanted Man of this world but he was the Most Wanted Man America.

OsAMa   is  DeaD .... WhO Care's.. How?

Different countries have diverse priorities plus there precise insight on terrorism and terrorist varies with the intentions plus target audience of the intruders. Although we being busy in our lives; we fear and panic but then this fear is the only thing which makes us human’s isn’t it?
Be AleRt  aND  lovE Ur NeighBhouR's.........

Guy’s I do understand that Osama’s death cannot recover the loss of people who lost there Loved One’s during 9/11; but then it might have helped them with immense relief that the Brain Behind 9/11 is no more alive. For a minority section of this world Bin Laden would have been a Noble and cheerful person, however there is a mainstream section who Defined Osama as an immoral or evil being. Though victory over good is always considered as a Universal Truth, however this Victory has a hollow Darkness which is going to be Dangerous for American People & probably for others. Well wishers of Osama bin laden as well as members of different Terrorist Outfits who have a common motto....
tHoSe  wHO miGhT taKe ReVenGe...

... might take a reprisal which further may bring more blood, losing loved ones however we will surely have some one who will kill the cruel terrorist plus there would be celebrations on the deceased death day but then what next? ….. it’s just simple…a new ReVenGe... Although i am not aware of what WHITE HOUSE is going to do in Afghanistan but then US Administration should atleast stop making enemies. Its very much true as we have many examples... A Clue is hidden but then let me give you one ...Iraq... the rest is for you guys to figure it out...
AfghaNistan, LiBya.......
Many like me very well understand that this Triumph is short lived and will wash off from the Brains of People in near future. Where this accomplishment proves that people really wanted Osama Dead then on the other hand it also concludes that America is now prone to attacks from Terrorists outfits. There is more which is going to come; and its based on the fact that though THE TERRORIST IS DEAD BUT THEN THE TERROR is STILL ALIVE !!…….. 
ThiS  is WhaT TimE DeManD's.............

From diverse media sources we all know that In the midst of darkness, conflict and vengeance Osama Bin Laden seized his final breadth. The Death of OBL {{Osama Bin Laden}} took place during a covert operation which was classified and kicked off by Obama {{Present and Probably Carry on as Future U.S. President}} otherwise I would say Obama plus his administration.
THE SecRet MiSSioN
I am sure that every person on this earth is aware about the OBL fact. Its very much evident that the whole world is hooked up to TV, INTERNET, RADIO to know the latest update on the Terrorist as what The Human race addresses HIM or rather Freedom Fighter as this is what THEY call Them self and BELIEVE. Before I go any further let me add that this BLOG is neither created with an intention to offer my Wishes to OBAMA nor I am typing in to offer my condolences to OSAMA’S family. This BLOG will only seek answer to Questions which are REALISTIC and NAKED.... 
Perhaps many of us know that the US President and dozen of his administration leaders observed and watched the whole episode closely. With the help of Technology they kept a vigil on OSAMA’S activities but then it took more than 10 years to Kill HIM. Over here I am neither questioning the supremacy of US nor the influence of OSAMA. Pictures of Osama Dead Body is Floating on Internet however people are calling it fake. It’s very much evident that a greater part of this world wanted him DEAD although many of Osama Bin Ladens well wisher call his death a sacrifice that too for a cause.
DonT u ThiNK it's TruE?..

NaKeD TrUtH BeNeaTh bLinND FaiTh oN PaKiStaN !!!

You might Have heard that Ignorance is Bliss but then that Blissful atmosphere would be short lived, simplifying further let me be very clear in stating that Pakistan is Presently Pretending to be Ignorant. They Didn't see anything, They didn't listen anything and They did not speak anything. Hope the below picture will better explain as what the Pakistan Government is Presently doing...

PakIstaN PreTenDinG !!
People are clueless, Pakistan pretends to be speech less but then media is still showcasing that Osama is Dead. If I blindly believe the information which is disclosed by the US Government stating Pakistan never knew about this mission then the confusion and questions won’t be valuable which are presently surrounding OBL’s Death; nonetheless Pakistan also stated that they have nothing to do with this Solely American Mission. Either giving an explanation that America all alone was keeping a vigil from past five years or speaking up against the friendly nature or act of Pakistan Government; it still doesn’t provide concrete proofs for any statements. At the moment people like me know that it’s all bull shit as even the local media in Pakistan has uttered that during the operation; air support was provided by the US and Pakistan Air force. Pakistan Diplomats want the world to believe they were oblivious of there defense plus Air Space which was breached during the incident. Furthermore White House is going to elaborate that US choppers used in the operation had a radar-evading technology and consequently Pakistani radars did not notice the breach. Analysts claim that in such a situation plus proclaimed low height; NO Radar Technology has the power to evade sensors. It seems as representatives of both the countries have completed the home work and have created a synchronized Plan plus close ended answers which will be absorbed by majority of people. However these answers are senseless and unconceivable..... 
DiPloMat'S  FrOM  PaKisTan and AmeRicA SHouLd Be HonEsT ..............
From Past 10 years; Osama was the Most wanted Man however America being a Super power couldn’t find him and then all of a sudden they discover him (Osama), Kill him, Verify his DNA and immerse his body in the Ocean. MAJORITY of people will have faith and believe in what the US Administration is speaking; although few brainless exceptions like me are more interested in searching the Naked Truth rather than dumbly believing on the NEWS of Bin Laden....OBL was neither a person with a weak heart nor he felt that his death is the only option to purify his soul. US administrators announced that the mission took 40 minutes but then guys do you think that Osama was lying in his couch and was eagerly waiting for the US troops to enter the mansion and offer him a McDonalds Burger with some bullets. Let me tell you that the whole media is only relying on what the White House is Proclaiming and according to me its all rubbish, comprehend guys that even 15 minutes would have been enough for Bin Laden to plan and execute his escape. Furthermore as per exceptions let me clear the air by sharing that America was not alone; US Government either had a brief support of Pakistan or it was the former Pakistan President as well as Politician Pervez Musharraf in addition to the above factors i wont even deny a possibility that AL-Qaeda's most trusted Member or even it could be an Insiders Job, being precise it can also be taken as a prospect that Bin Laden's MOST Faithful plus Truthful Member/Members Deceived/Betrayed the organizer of 9/11 .  People consider that America individually operated the whole mission; but then it’s not possible. America announced that Pakistan wasn't aware of the operation in now way it gives us the strength to absorb and believe these Public Statements; henceforth it won’t be sensible to digest this information easily.
What CouLd be The ReaSon......
It could be that the Trusted Member wanted to be the NEXT MOST WANTED Person, It could either be that the Trusted Member had a Conflict with Osama, It could be that Pakistan helped America in confining the Most Faithful Human of AL-Qaeda or it can be any XYZ reason, however the following can surely be deduced -
  1. First of all Pakistan Government cannot announce publicly that they have supported America in any means, as they are aware that they would have to face the anger of AL-Qaeda if anything comes up. Hence Pakistan has kept a distance from this controversial Incident.
    Perhaps the RewaRD is 25,000,000 US Dollar but the Who CareS
  2. The following explanation can prove that Pakistan may get the Reward; now this reward is not going to be in terms of Money. Yes! Try realizing guys that instead of America throwing cash the US Administrator’s would Present Pakistan with a huge inventory of Arms and ammunition's. 
    A ReWarD of  LetHal WeaPon'S cAAnoT bE igNoReD .....
    Though White House stated that this Incident will have a negative impact on there relation with Pakistan; but then guys in near future you will see America supplying Weapons and subsequently you guys would witness that the so called supply is the only Prize Money/Reward. Furthermore while delivering these weapons White House might claim that it’s only the anti-terrorist activities which Pakistan is trying to eradicate from its soil and for the same they have helped by providing weapons. Being more precise analysts got to an extent and publicly speak out that Pakistan is working for U.S. however the further add on by stating that White House is Taming Pakistan..
Is This TruE?
Apart from the above said one also cannot ignore Musharraf’s involvement in the subject. Musharraf is step ahead by giving statements that he doesn’t know what or how it happened; but then its not possible for jerks like me to accept the above statement. As its very much evident from the fact that Musharraf lived and served as President for quite a long term however his proclaims cannot stand true as he being a Leader always knew where Osama was. One cannot ignore to the fact that Musharraf who is currently residing in Britain can still be in contact with these Groups. Nevertheless Speaking logically Investigating agencies should look into the matter so as they could monitor Musharraf, his kins for excessive {{Prize Money}} Transfer of wealth. However if it’s not Prez Musharraf then it’s has to be Pakistan and this will be proved very soon. Furthermore on the above said any brain can conclude that its either Pakistan or Musharraf who helped America Folks realize that irrespective of both the Countries accusing each other we cannot ignore the possibility that Pakistan might have helped America in detaining Osama. Perhaps I should share that we cant ignore the possibility of Osama Being Detained. Its Possible that US Naval/Seal Force captured an injured/unconscious Osama and tossed a replica of his body in the Arabian Sea? so as to know what his future Plans are. More over my above query is based on the fact and a simple reason which also made the Troops seize the Electronic Equipments which included CD, Hard drive; however being precise it simply means Getting information from Digital Equipments and gaining critical information from Osama. For more information do CheCK ThE iNveNtoRy LisT.
ForMer PresidenT .....
PaKIsTan GoveRnmenT...
PersoNal AntaGoNisM......
Moreover many of us realize that White House Needs Pakistan as AMERICAN Troops in Afghanistan are sill fighting a war to eradicate AL-QAEDA, nonetheless there are many questions which are unanswered and will remain unanswered for some time. However there are quite a Few reactions but then those responses NEITHER have a CONCRETE BASE NOR a SOLID EVIDENCE.
Last But Not the Least i wont be Surprised if White House Comes up with a Statement that they Don't have any pictures of AL-QAEDA LEADER and probably that could be the reason why American Diplomats are trying to evade certain questions....
Iraq, Afghanistan, Taliban, Russia, Germany, Romania, Oil, Saddam, Libya as well as many such Endeavour’s is not going to help America. So PREDICTING LOGICALLY and RATIONALLY I have to share that Perhaps in coming months or even in coming weeks any one of the following Countries will face a Deadly and Lethal Attack – Britain {{Where Pervez Musharraf is breathing}}, America {{Arrest/Death of Bin Laden will act as a Fuel-in short A Revenge}}, Pakistan {{For Supporting America}} and for the same DO CLICK ON the LiNK  FoLLoW aNd FinD MoRe !! .... Try to Digest my UpcoMing 2 POST which is going to RevolVe ArounD the Bin Laden For MOrE CLiCK - En RoUte to MorE FeaR aNd PaiN..

So Fasten Your seat belts and do keep a Strict vigil on your Neighborhood by loving and helping each other……
IT Will SureLy HeLp...
This Post is also Based on an OLD SAYING which many of us will consider TRUE and its -  "There's is NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH"...
Pakistan ain't Humble ThaT it ShoWered WhiTE HouSE WiTh FreE LuNcH !!!

Do DroP iN youR CoMMeNt's or Else YoUR BriCkBat'S..............